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Ex. 7. Make up brief rendering of the text, considering the following

a)read the text again;

b)divide the text into several parts;

c)put a question to each part;

d)find out the main idea of each part;

e)make up a short topic.

Read and translate the following texts for Additional Reading

Interesting facts about Japan and Japanese

1.Japanese are the most artistic race and are excellent copyists. Besides the delicate paintings and exquisite lacquer-ware, much of their work can be seen on screens, fans and embroideries that are exported all over the world. They are very skillful in hand loom weaving, the making of silk and in poetry writing. Japanese porcelain is well-known in the world markets and surpasses the modern product of China, from where the art had been first learnt. Japanese are especially noted for making delicate products, such as toys. Their swords are also very famous. Japan has not been slow to copy Western ideals and being an island country, ship-building is a great industry; indeed its mercantile fleet is one of the largest in the world.

2.The women in Japan are fond of their traditional dress (much more than men), who have copied the Western style of clothes. The Kimono, a kind of silk or satin dressing gown, with wide sleeves, and a broad "sash" (band worn around the waist) or "obi", is still the distinctive garment of the country. The sleeves and sash serve as pockets. Shoes are worn over thick socks and are removed, when entering house, so as not to soil the mats, which are used for sitting on. A Japanese house contains little furniture. There are no chairs and the beds are thick quilts laid on the floor with wooden pillows which are removed during daytime. The walls are made of light wood or tough paper with sliding doors, serving as partitions. At meals each person sits on a cushion and is served separately on a little lacquer tray.

3.Among the many qualities that distinguish Japanese from other races are the ability to endure hardship or pain, the "poker-face" that shows no sign of emotion, and, above all their extreme politeness. Though inwardly warmhearted, happy people, they keep themselves very stiff and serious. When two Japanese meet, they click their heels, press their hands to their sides and bow at least (three, six) times. The person who is of lesser importance, bows a little lower and stays down a little longer. Their religion, called Shinto, meaning "the way of gods", teaches them loyalty to their Emperor (who is supposed to be a divine figure, descended from the Sun goddess). Recent changes have meant


that the Emperor is no longer regarded as god, but the idea of loyalty to their superior still lives on.

4. Their religion also teacher courage to take one's own life. As they believe, when they die, they join their honourable ancestors and become guardian spirits of their home land, some of them do not find it so hard to commit suicide or "Hara-kiri" as it is called in their language. Geisha girls are specially trained from their early childhood (years) to understand music, play some musical instrument, dance, sing and know the art of being witty and hold amusing conversation. They are employed as hostesses by rich merchants and business firms. The Japanese self-defense without arms is known as "Ju-jitsu" or "Judo". It is a form of wrestling in which a specially trained and skilled wrestler can by tripping or throwing overcome a stronger and heavier opponent. "Judo" is a part of Western soldier's training in unarmed combat.


artistic – художественный, артистический delicate – деликатесный

exquisite – изысканный, утонченный lacquer-ware – лакированные

embroidery – изделия, вышивание, вышивка to weave – плести, ткать

porcelain – фарфор

to surpass – превзойти sword – сабля

mercantile – торговый, коммерческий dressing gown – халат

to remove – зд. снимать quiet – стеганое одеяло

to slide – зд. скользить, передвигать partition – перегородка

to distinguish – различать

stiff – жестокий, твердый, упорный to click – щелкать

to descend – зд. происходить (от) divine – божественный

Еmperor – император honourable – почтенный ancestor – предок

witty – остроумный

amusing – забавный, занимательный wrestling – борьба

tripping – подсечка


throwing – бросок

to over come – одолеть

unarmed combat – рукопашный бой garment – зд. одежда

Ex. 1. Complete the following statements

1.There occupations in which the Japanese are highly Skilled are … .

2.A well-known industry in Japan is … .

3.The kimono is a kind of silk or satin dressing gown with … .

4.Shoes are removed before entering Japanese house so as … .

5.A bed in Japanese house is a thick quilt … .

6.Three qualities that distinguish the Japanese from other races are … .

7.The Japanese religion is called … .

8.The Emperor is descended from … .

9."Hara-Kiri" means … .

10."Geisha girls" are specially trained in … .

11."Geisha girls" are employed by … . 12."Judo" is a form of wrestling in which … .

Ex. 2. Say whether it is true or false

1.Japanese are very skillful in hand weaving, the making of silk and in poetry writing.

2.Japanese porcelain is not so well-known as the one of China.

3.Japan has been (very pretty) fast to copy Western ideals.

4.The Kimono is still the distinctive garment of the country.

5.A Japanese house contains a lot of furniture.

6.A typical Japanese bed is a thick quilt which lies on the floor with a wooden pillow.

7.Japanese are noticed for their ability to endure hardship or pain.

8.The "poker-face" of Japanese shows no sign of emotion.

9.Japanese are tough and rude people.

10.Japanese don't like to bow when they meet.

Ex. 3. Answer the questions

1.Who are Japanese? Describe them. What are they famous for?

2.What is the traditional dress in Japan? Describe it.

3.What does a Japanese house contain?

4.How is a person served at meals?

5.What are the main qualities that distinguish Japanese from other races?

6.How do Japanese greet each other when they meet?


7.What is the Japanese religion? What does it teach?

8.Who are "Geisha girl"?

9.What is a very special form of wrestling in Japan?

Japanese religion

Confucianism is one of the three religions-philosophies on which Japanese culture is based. It is more a poetical religion. "Food" for the spirit of man is expressed in poetry not only in Confucianism but in other religions as well. One of them is Buddhism and the other is Shinto. Shinto is regarded as traditional Japanese religion. There has always been a conflict between Shinto and Buddhism when Buddhism had been first introduced into Japan in the Sixth Century, but a compromise had been finally reached. "Two is one and one is two" has been an oriental way of thinking. Today many Japanese families have two altars-one for the Shinto gods and another Buddhist altar for the family of dead.

When a baby is born, parents visit the shrine of their guardian god. On the other hand, when death occurs in a family, a Buddhist priest is usually called in. Shinto, Buddhism and Confucianism – these three religions have merged and produced a sort of "trinity".


spirit – дух

to regard as – рассматривать как to introduce – представлять

to reach – достигать oriental – восточный

way of thinking – способ мышления shrine – святыня

priest – священник

to merge – объединять

"Trinity" - троица

Political Parties

The Liberal Democratic Party has been the leading party since the mid – 1950s. It is a conservative party. Japan's parliament is called the Diet in English. The Japan Socialist Party, the Japan Communist Party, the Komei Party, the Democratic Socialist Party, several minor parties, and, the Liberal Democratic Party they all have seats in the Diet. The Diet is composed of the upper Chamber and lower chamber. The lower one is called the House of Representatives. It has 512 seats with members having a tenure of office of four years. The upper


chamber is the House of Councilors which has 252 members with a tenure of six years. One hundred of them are elected from national districts, and the remaining 152 are elected from prefectural districts. The Prime Minister is ceremonially appointed by the Emperor at the designation of the Diet. The British pattern of the parliament-cabinet system has been adopted in Japan.

Most of the ministers of state must be members of the Diet. If a minister is not a Diet member he can attend either house at any time to express his opinion on a bill. Also, he must appear whenever his presence is required for explanations or for responding to interpellation.

The names of various ministries are: the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Forestry, the M. of Fishing, the M. of Finance, the M. of Education, the M. of Health and Welfare, the M. of International Trade and Industry, the M. of transport, the M. of Post and Telecommunications; the M. of Labour; the M. of Home Affairs, the M. of Construction.

The decision of the House of Representatives is basically the decision of the Diet, although consent of more than two-thirds of all the members of two Houses is necessary to amend the Constitution. Also, in other legislative matters the lower House can override the upper House by a two-thirds vote.


tenure – срок пребывания (в должности) designation – назначение, указание

bill – законопроект interpellation – запрос consent – согласие

amend – вносить поправки

override – отвергать, не принимать во внимание to elect – избирать

to adopt – принимать to remain – оставаться

to require – зд. требовать (от кого-либо) to respond – отвечать

legislative matters – законодательные вопросы

Match the columns


The Liberal Democratic Party is … .

a) the upper chamber



In English Japan's parliament is called … .

the lower chamber;



The House of Councilors has 252

b) in Japan;



members with … .

c) necessary to amend



The Diet is composed of … .



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